Submitting data changes to a list manager for approval in Datasheet view

Microsoft Datasheet View

Submitting data changes to a list manager for approval in Datasheet view

If you are adding or editing data in a list that requires content approval, your changes will not be available to the other users until it is approved by a user who has the Manage Lists right.

Note  If you have Manage Lists right to the list, then the changes you make to the list are automatically set to Approved.

For more information on working with lists that require content approval, see Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Help. To display Windows SharePoint Services Help, click Help on the page toolbar.

Do the following to submit your changes for approval if you do not have the Manage Lists right:

  1. Open the list in My Submissions view.

    This view displays all the items you have added to the list, including rejected items. The view displays the Approval Status and Comment columns, in addition to all the other columns in the list. However, the Approval Status, Comment, Modified, and Modified By columns are read-only.

  2. If the list displays in Standard view, click Edit in Datasheet to switch to Datasheet view.
  3. Add or edit a row.

    When you add or edit a row, the Approval Status is automatically set to Pending. This includes rows that were previously set to Approved. When a row is edited, it is treated as a new row, so needs to be sent for approval.