Troubleshoot international support

Microsoft Datasheet View

Troubleshoot international support

This topic covers issues with international support that are specific to Datasheet view. For information on international support for lists, see Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Help. To display Windows SharePoint Services Help, click Help on the page toolbar.

The Datasheet view defaults to the US English locale, instead of the server-specified locale.   

This could be because the operating system installed on your computer is Microsoft Windows 2000. Windows SharePoint Services supports 136 locales, 10 more than what is supported by your operating system. If the server locale is one of the following, the Datasheet view on your computer will default to US English.

  • Divehi - Maldives
  • Galician - Spain
  • Gujarati - India
  • Kannada - India
  • Kyrgyz (Cyrillic) - Republic of Kyrgyzstan
  • Mongolian (Cyrillic) - Mongolia
  • Punjabi (Gurmukhi) - India
  • Syriac - Syria
  • Telugu - India
  • Invariant locale