Troubleshoot totals and calculated values in Datasheet view
I get a message saying the results of the formula will be sent to the server.
You edited the formula, and the list is attempting to submit the new results to the server. Do one of the following:
- Click Continue to complete the edit operation. If there are pending changes, conflicts, or errors, the list will prompt you to take appropriate actions.
- Click Cancel to return to the cell containing the formula.
- The parentheses used in the formula do not match. Make sure each opening parenthesis has a matching closing parenthesis.
- The formula includes a special character other than the equal sign (=) and calculation operators.
- The formula calls one or more functions, but you have specified an incorrect number of arguments for one or more of these functions.
- The formula uses a function that is not supported by a list. Specifically, lists do not support the Rand and Now functions. You cannot use the Today and Me functions in a calculated column, but you can use them to specify the default value for a column.
The cell displays the formula instead of the result.
I get a message about pending changes when I edit a calculated column.
I get a timeout or unanticipated error.
I get an error indicating that the list structure has changed.
I get an error indicating that I do not have permission to change calculated columns in the list.
I am having problems with columns or column references.
I cannot edit a formula because one or more other columns require values.
I get an error indicating that one or more column references are not allowed.
I get an error indicating that a column does not exist.
- Make sure the columns referenced in the formula exist.
- Make sure the column names are enclosed in square brackets ([]) if they include spaces or special characters.
- Verify the spelling of the column references.
When editing a calculated column, I cannot select the column I want.
The calculated column displays a string that I do not recognize.
Cells in a calculated column display #NAME?.
Cells in a calculated column display #CIRC!.
- The formula used in the column includes a reference to itself. For example, the formula used to calculate values for the Taxable Income column references the Taxable Income column.
- Two or more calculated columns reference each other. For example, the Calc1 column uses the formula =[Calc2]+2 and the Calc2 column uses the formula =[Calc1]-1.
- Make sure the formula does not reference the column that contains the formula.
- If the formula references another column, make sure the referenced column's formula does not reference the first column.
- Verify the spelling of the column references.
Cells in a calculated column display #VALUE!.
- A wrong type of operand is used in the formula.
- A wrong type of argument is specified for a function that is used in the formula.
Cells in a calculated column display #NUM!.
- The value returned by the formula is too large to be represented in a list.
- The formula encountered a date value that is earlier than 1/1/1900.
- A function used in the formula expects a numeric argument, but you have specified a non-numeric argument. A wrong type of argument is specified for a function that is used in the formula.
Cells in a calculated column display #DIV/0!.
- Explicitly specifying a division by zero (0), such as =133/0.
- The formula includes column references, and at the time of evaluation, the values in the referenced columns result in a division by zero (0). For example, the [ECount1] and [ECount2] columns have the same values in some rows, so the formula =[Qty]/[ECount1]-[ECount2] results in an error for those rows.
Cells in a calculated column display #NULL!.
Cells in a calculated column display #N/A .