Automatically fill cells with data

Microsoft Datasheet View

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Automatically fill cells with data

You can fill a range of cells with a specific value, a range of values, or with linearly increasing values.

ShowCopy contents of a cell to other cells within the column

ShowCopy a range of values to other cells within the column

ShowLinearly increasing values for a range of cells within the column


  • You can automatically fill more than one column in a single operation. The selected cells in each column will be used to fill the destination cells.
  • You cannot automatically fill a calculated column or a column that contains attachments. Columns with the following data types do not support filling with linearly increasing values: Boolean, Choice, Multi-value Choice, and Lookup.
  • If you try to fill a cell that is read-only or attempt to fill a cell with an invalid value, the fill operation will fail for that cell.