AcMapProjectOptionsReactor class

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK


AcMapProjectOptionsReactor class

Header file: MapReactors.h.

The AcMapProjectOptionsReactor class is used to represent a project options reactor, which notifies an application when a project option is modified.

To create a specific project options reactor, subclass from AcMapProjectOptionsReactor.

Use AcMapProject::AddOptionsReactor to add an options reactor to a project and AcMapProject::RemoveOptionsReactor to remove it.

For simplicity, the following example does not show routine error checking.

class AcMyProjectOptionsReactor : public AcMapProjectOptionsReactor
   // See MapDemoApp.cpp distributed with AutoCAD Map ObjectARX. 
static AcMyProjectOptionsReactor *pPrefReact;

AcRx::AppRetCode acrxEntryPoint(AcRx::AppMsgCode msg, void *appId)
   AcMapSession   *mapApi = NULL  ; 
   switch (msg)  
   case AcRx::kInitAppMsg: 
      //register commands -- code not shown 
      pPrefReact = new AcMyProjectOptionsReactor(); 
      mapApi = AcMapGetSession(); 
      if (mapApi) 
         pProj->AddOptionsReactor(pPrefReact) ; 
      break ; 
   case AcRx::kUnloadAppMsg: 
      //remove commands -- code not shown 
      break ; 
   case AcRx::kUnloadDwgMsg: 
      mapApi = AcMapGetSession(); 
         if (mapApi) 
            AcMapProject *pProj ; 
            if (mapApi->GetProject(pProj)) 
          break ; 
   return AcRx::kRetOK; 