AcMapIEInputLayer::SetLayerName Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapIEInputLayer:: SetLayerName Method

Sets the name of the target layer to which entities are imported.

virtual AcMapIE::ErrCode SetLayerName(
    AcMapIE::LayerNameType layerNameType, 
    const ACHAR* pszName
) = 0;
Input LayerNameTypevalue specifying how to use the layer name in the importer. Set this parameter to kLayerName_Direct to use the layer name specified by pszName. Set this parameter to kLayerName_Indirect to place the entities from this input layer on the layer specified by the column named by pszName.  
Input name of a layer or column, depending on layerNameType.  

Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_OK if successful. Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_BadFieldName if layerNameType is kLayerName_Indirect and the column pszName does not exist. Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_BadParams if layerNameType is kLayerName_Direct and pszName is empty. Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_Invalid if layerNameType is kLayerName_Direct and pszName is an invalid layer name. Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_Fail if the process failed for some other reason.


In the AutoCAD Map user interface, this setting corresponds to the Drawing Layer column in the Import dialog box properties table.

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