AcMapTopoHalfEdge Class

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapTopoHalfEdge Class

Manages topology half edges. For more information, search for topology in AutoCAD Map Help.

class AcMapTopoHalfEdge;


Destroys an instance of this class. 
Retrieves the full edge that contains this half edge. 
Retrieves the next edge by turning left or right at the next node. 
Retrieves the next node by moving forward along this edge. 
Retrieves the polygon associated with this edge (default level). 
Retrieves the previous node by moving backward along this edge. 
Retrieves the resistance of this edge. 
Retrieves the ring associated with this edge (default level). 
Retrieves the topology that contains this edge. 
Sets the resistance of this edge. 
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