AcMapClassificationManager::DuplicateFeatureClassDefinition Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapClassificationManager:: DuplicateFeatureClassDefinition Method

Creates a copy of an existing feature class definition.

AcMapObjClass::EErrCode DuplicateFeatureClassDefinition(
    AcMapObjClassDefinition*& pFeatureClassDefCopied, 
    const ACHAR* pszName, 
    const ACHAR* pszCopyName
Output new AcMapObjClassDefinitionfeature class definition. The caller must free this object.  
Input name of the feature class definition to copy.  
Input name of the new feature class definition.  

Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eOk if successful. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eClassNameInvalid if the class name is invalid. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eClassNameTooLong if the class name is too long. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eNoSchemaFileAttached if no feature-definition file is attached to the current drawing. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eClassNotFound if the feature class is not in the feature-definition file. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eClassAlreadyExists if a class with same name already exists. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eNoUserPrivilegeToAlterSchema if the current user lacks the privileges to change the feature-definition file. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eFailed if the process failed for some other reason.

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