AcMapObjClassSystem Class

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapObjClassSystem Class


Manages the registration and unregistration of classification reactors. Reactors are classes derived from AcMapObjClassReactor.  

To add a custom reactor:Derive a custom class AcMapObjClassMyReactor from AcMapObjClassReactor:

class AcMapObjClassMyReactor : public AcMapObjClassReactor

Implement events by overriding the virtual functions that you need.Create an instance of the custom reactor:

AcMapObjClassMyReactor* pMyReactor = new AcMapObjClassMyReactor;

Register it so that it becomes active:


Write some classification code.Remove the reactor from the list and delete it:

delete pMyReactor;


Note that only one list of reactors exists independently of the drawing, so if you change classification information in a feature-definition file, all the drawings are notified of the event.

class AcMapObjClassSystem;


Destroys an instance of this class. 
Constructs an instance of this class. 
Adds a reactor to the list of the classification reactors. 
Removes a reactor from the list of the classification reactors. 
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