AcMapMbMapBook::PublishToPlotter Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapMbMapBook:: PublishToPlotter Method

Publishes the specified tiles to the plotter specified by the configuration file.

Acad::ErrorStatus PublishToPlotter(
    const AcArray<AcMapMbMapBookManager::TILEID>& tileIds, 
    const ACHAR* pszConfigFileName = NULL
Input Ids of the tiles to be published; if the array is empty, the entire Map Book will be published.  
Input the name of the plot configuration file; if not specified, the current plotter settings associated with the Sheet will be used.  

Returns Acad::eOk if successful; returns Acad::eDwgNeedsAFullSave if drawing must be saved; Acad::eNotCurrentDatabase in the case the Sheet Set is out of synch with the Map Book otherwise, returns a different error code.


If there are no tiles specified, publishes the entire Map Book. If the configuration file is not specified, the current plotter settings associated with the Sheet will be used. If the database has changed, the drawing must be saved before publishing.

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