AcMapMbTileNameGeneratorGrid Class

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapMbTileNameGeneratorGrid Class

Class AcMapMbTileNameGeneratorGrid inherits from the pure virtual base class AcMapMbTileNameGenerator which defines the interface for the Name Generators.

class AcMapMbTileNameGeneratorGrid : public AcMapMbTileNameGenerator;



All Name Generators have the same interface and are closely linked with their respective Settings classes. The TileNameGenerator should not be instantiated directly, but must be obtained from the appropriate settings class. A settings class of type AcMapMbTileNameGeneratorSettingsGrid must be passed back into the GenerateTileNames function.

Destroys an instance of this class. 
Constructs an instance of this class. 
Iterates through tile set and sets the names of individual tiles. 
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