AcMapIEExporter::AddClassMapping Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapIEExporter:: AddClassMapping Method

Creates a per-class mapping when exporting multi-classes.

virtual AcMapIE::ErrCode AddClassMapping(
    const AcMapIEExportClassMapping*& mapping
) = 0;
The Class Mapping 

kErr_OK if successful 

kErr_CannotModifySchema if the datastore does not have that capability 

kErr_Conflict if global mappings have also been set 

kErr_InvalidMapping if the source has already been mapped 

kErr_InvalidDataStore if the target datastore is not supported (FDO)


The source type for each mapping is based on the StorageOpts setting: Layers, Object Data, Object Classes, or Link Templates. This mapping can only be used with FDO data stores as the target. If this mapping is set, then any global mappings created by SetLayerLevelMapping() and SetExportDataMappings() are not used. Any new Schema, Class, or Property names which appear in the mapping, but not in an existing datastore will be appended - if the datastore has an append capability.

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