AcMapQueryPE Class

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapQueryPE Class

A set of functions to analyze custom entities for querying, altering their properties when they are queried, and saving them back to their source drawings.

class AcMapQueryPE : public AcRxObject;


Location-query process types. 
Property types for AutoCAD Map entities. 
Can an entity be queried?. 
Can the entity be saved back?. 
Get any physical point on the entity to check whether it is inside location boundary or outside. 
Gets a property value of an entity. 
Does the entity have a given property?. 
One more property alteration functions telling whether we need to apply hatch alteration to the entity or not. 
Can an entity be changed by property alteration?. 
Specifies how the entity will be processed in a location query. 
Sends a notification to the entity at the time of closed set calculation (query and save back).
Performs a property alteration on an entity. 
Swap ID with the prototype entity during saving back. 
Transforms the entity (projection transformation during query and save back, and rubber-sheeting). 
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