AcMapIEExpressionTargetIterator::Set Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapIEExpressionTargetIterator:: Set Method

Sets the expression of an expression-target pair in the collection.

virtual AcMapIE::ErrCode Set(
    const ACHAR* pszExpression, 
    const ACHAR* pszTarget
) = 0;
Input new expression for the expression-target pair to set.  
Input case-insensitive target of the expression-target pair to set.  

Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_OK if successful. Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_BadParams if either input string is NULL or empty. Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_BadFieldName if the input target name is invalid. Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_Fail if the case-insensitive input target does not already exist in the collection.


The name of the target must be 255 or fewer characters long and can include the following symbols: a-z A-Z 0-9 . { } - _ . The target to which you are exporting may have stricter naming rules, however, so it is safest to restrict target names to alphanumeric and underscore characters; in particular, avoid these characters: . { }.

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