AcMapAliases class

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK


AcMapAliases class

Header file: MapArxApi.h.

The AcMapAliases class represents a list of drive aliases that have been defined for the session. It provides support for the AcMapDriveAlias class, whose instances represent the individual drive aliases used in an AutoCAD Map session.

You must create a drive alias for a drawing before it can be attached.

Do not subclass from this class or delete the AcMapAliases pointer.

You get an pointer to the session's aliases by calling AcMapSession::GetAliases as shown in the following example, which implements a command called accessaliases. For simplicity, the code does not show routine error checking.

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "StdArx.h"
#include <MapArxApi.h>
void asdkhelpaccessaliases()
   AcMapSession *mapApi = NULL; 
   AcMapAliases *pAliases = NULL; 
   mapApi = AcMapGetSession(); 
   // Use pAliases to access functions of AcMapAliases -- code not shown 