AcMapDMStylizationEntityStyle::UnExcludeStylizationEntityFromHatchStyle Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapDMStylizationEntityStyle:: UnExcludeStylizationEntityFromHatchStyle Method

A derived class must call this function to remove a stylization entity from association with a target topology, for the purposes of AcMapDMSEHatchStyle islanding.

Acad::ErrorStatus UnExcludeStylizationEntityFromHatchStyle(
    const ACHAR* pTopoName, 
    Adesk::IntDbId lTopoId, 
    const AcDbObjectId styleEntId
) const;
Input topology name.  
Input topology ID.  
Input ID of the stylization entity.  

Returns Acad::eOk if successful; otherwise, returns a different error code.


This should be done by the Style at dismiss time if the Style may reuse the same stylization entity against a different target topology. In this release of AutoCAD Map, islanding works for only AcDbText entities.

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