AcMapGeometryPE Class

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapGeometryPE Class

A set of functions to analyze custom entities as collections of simple geometry elements (points, polylines, polygons).

class AcMapGeometryPE : public AcRxObject;



Valid polygons are closed figures composed of a single contour only. A polygon containing another polygon is read as two polygons, not as a polygon with a hole. Polygons are processed as solid objects during a query. If a geometry element is not a point, polyline, or polygon, its type is unsupported. Unsupported types are ignored.

Types for simple geometry elements. 
Executes before reading an entity begins. 
Executes after reading an entity ends. 
Gets the type of a simple element. 
Counts simple elements in an entity. 
Counts vertices of a polyline or polygon. 
Gets a point element. 
Gets a vertex of a polyline or polygon. 
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