AcMapIEExporter::SetStorageOpts Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapIEExporter:: SetStorageOpts Method

Sets the storage options. Format-specific storage options are stored in the file MapExport.ini. This function attempts to make sense of its input values even if those values are inconsistent with the storage type. Format support changes dynamically according to the installed drivers so, because it is impossible to know in advance which drivers are installed, this function cannot always determine which combinations of input values make sense for a particular format; this function's behavior is undefined when using invalid input values. Only a few cases exists where it makes sense to change the storage type value from that returned by StorageOpts(). The following StorageTypestorage types are valid for export: AcMapIE::StorageType kStorage_FileAllEntityTypes AcMapIE::StorageType kStorage_FileOneEntityType AcMapIE::StorageType kStorage_FolderWithPrefix AcMapIE::StorageType kStorage_FolderNoPrefix AcMapIE::StorageType kStorage_FolderOneEntityType If the storage type is kStorage_FolderWithPrefix, then set a prefix. Use kStorage_FolderWithPrefix to set up a Shape format as a folder type. The output will consist of up to four shape files, named <prefix>_point.shp, <prefix>_line.shp, <prefix>_polygon.shp, and <prefix>_text.shp. The other possible storage type for the Shape format is kStorage_FileOneEntityType. It is possible to change the storage type between these two values for the Shape format. Among the formats that AutoCAD Map supports, Shape is the only one that requires a geometry type and prefix. For the ARCINFO format, corresponding to Coverage, the storage type can be either kStorage_FolderNoPrefix or kStorage_FolderOneEntityType. Other formats have only one valid storage type, which is the type returned by StorageOpts(). If the storage type is kStorage_FileOneEntityType or kStorage_FolderOneEntityType then the default geometry type is kGeom_Point. Other storage types will ignore the geometry type setting. To export different types of entities, set geomType to kGeom_Point, kGeom_Line, kGeom_Polygon, or kGeom_Text. AutoCAD Map will filter out entities of incorrect types before exporting.

virtual AcMapIE::ErrCode SetStorageOpts(
    AcMapIE::StorageType storageType, 
    AcMapIE::GeometryType geomType, 
    const ACHAR* pszPrefix
) = 0;
Input StorageTypestorage type. 
Input GeometryTypegeometry type. 
Input prefix. 

Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_OK if successful. Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_Fail if the process failed.

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