AcMapIEExportReactor Class

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapIEExportReactor Class

Provides callback functions for export reactors. To implement an export reactor, derive classes from these virtual base classes, overwriting the desired functions. Pass instances of the classes to the exporter (an instance of AcMapIEExporter) and the exporter will call back into your classes at various points in the export process. This behavior allows you to modify the export process at runtime or track the export process externally. Do not explicitly delete any strings returned by any of the functions or their output parameters in this class (but delete all other types of returned objects).

class AcMapIEExportReactor;


Destroys an instance of this class. 
Constructs an instance of this class. 
Invoked if an error occurs during export. 
Invoked after an entity is exported. 
Invoked before an entity is exported. 
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