AcMapProjectIterator class

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK


AcMapProjectIterator class

Header file: MapProj.h.

An instance of the AcMapProjectIterator class represents a project iterator, which is used to iterate through the projects in a session.

Do not subclass from this class.

You get a AcMapProjectIterator pointer by calling AcMapSession::GetProjectIterator. You are responsible for deleting memory allocated for the iterator using the delete operator.

The following code fragment shows how to create and delete a project iterator. For simplicity, routine error checking is not shown.

AcMapSession *mapApi = NULL;
mapApi = AcMapGetSession();A
cMapProjectIterator *pIterator = mapApi->GetProjectIterator();
AcMapProject *pProject ;
for (; !pIterator->Done(); pIterator->Next())
pIterator->GetCurrentObject(pProject) ;
. . .
delete pIterator ;