AcMapIEInputLayer::SetDataMapping Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapIEInputLayer:: SetDataMapping Method

Sets the table type and table name of the data mapping.

virtual AcMapIE::ErrCode SetDataMapping(
    const AcMapIE::ImportDataMapping tableType, 
    const ACHAR* pszTableName
) = 0;
Input ImportDataMappingtype of table to use. For a detailed description of this parameter, see the overview of this class.  
Input table name. This table name can be an existing object data table, a new object data table, or an existing link template (depending on tableType).  

Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_OK if successful. Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_Invalid if tableType is kNewObjectDataOnly and pszTableName is an existing table; if tableType is kExistingObjectDataOnly and pszTableName in not an existing table; or if tableType is kLinkTemplate and pszTableName is not an existing link template. Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_BadTableName if the new data table name is invalid. Allowed characters are alphanumeric, multibyte, and - _ and maximum length is 25 characters. Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_Fail if the process failed for some other reason.

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