AcMapDMThematicTableItemLegendText Class

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapDMThematicTableItemLegendText Class

Represents a legend text cell of a thematic definition table.

class AcMapDMThematicTableItemLegendText : public AcDbObject;


Destroys an instance of this class. 
Constructs an instance of this class. 
Constructs an instance of this class by using another instance of this class. 
Retrieves the color of the cell. 
Lets this object read its data. See also dwgInFields() in the AutoCAD ObjectARX Developer's Guide. 
Lets this object write its data. See also dwgOutFields() in the AutoCAD ObjectARX Developer's Guide. 
Lets this object read its data. See also dxfInFields() in the AutoCAD ObjectARX Developer's Guide. 
Lets this object write its data. See also dxfOutFields() in the AutoCAD ObjectARX Developer's Guide. 
Retrieves the height of the cell. 
Returns the implementation object. 
Retrieves the layer AcDbObjectId of the cell. 
Retrieves the layer name of the cell. 
Sets the color of the cell. 
Sets the height of the cell. 
Sets the layer AcDbObjectId of the cell. 
Sets the layer name of the cell. 
Sets the style AcDbObjectId of the cell. 
Sets the style name of the cell. 
Sets the text of the cell. 
Retrieves the style AcDbObjectId of the cell. 
Retrieves the style name of the cell. 
Retrieves the text of the cell. 
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