AcMapIEExpressionTargetIterator Class

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapIEExpressionTargetIterator Class

An iterator over a collection of expression-target pairs. The case-insensitive target component of an expression-target pair is a key value and must be unique within the collection. This class (which is similar to the STL map class) differs from the AcMapIENameValueIteratorclass in that this class has stricter naming rules for the target component of an expression-target pair (see the Add()or Set()function for naming rules). Do not explicitly delete any strings returned by any of the functions or their output parameters in this class (but delete all other types of returned objects).

class AcMapIEExpressionTargetIterator;


Destroys an instance of this class. 
Inserts a new element into the collection after the current element and advances the iterator to the new element. 
Removes all elements from the collection. 
Determines whether the iterator has reached the end of the collection. 
Searches the collection for an element. 
Retrieves the current element in the iteration. 
Removes an element from the collection. 
Moves to the first element in the iteration. 
Sets the expression of an expression-target pair in the collection. 
Advances to the next element in the iteration. 
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