You can erase points from the drawing, but they still exist in the points database. Erase point number 247 and 758, and then reinsert them.
On the command line, enter ERASE, select the two points, and then press ENTER.
On the Points menu, click Point Utilities
Zoom to Extents.
The Zoom to Extents command zooms to the extents of the minimum and maximum coordinates of the points in the database, not the extents of all of the entities in the drawing.
On the Points menu, click Point Utilities
Quick View.
Xs appear at all point locations, including the erased ones.
Click here to see an illustration of the quick view point locations.
Use the following steps to list all of the points in the database.
On the Points menu, click List Points to display the List Points dialog box.
Select the List All Points option.
Scroll down the list to view points 247 and 758.
Point number 247 is listed as 247L, which means it is locked. Locked points cannot be edited until they are unlocked.
Click OK to continue.
On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 1, click Set Current, and then click OK.
Use the following step to retrieve the two erased points from the points database and reinsert them in the drawing.
On the Points menu, click Insert Points to Drawing, enter W for the Window option, and then window in the area of the two missing points. (The two points are located in the right half of the screen in the current view.)
The two points now reappear in the drawing.
Click here to see an illustration of the reinserted points.