In this exercise, you will specify points to edit by selecting them in the drawing.
On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select 1, click Set Current, and then click OK.
On the Points menu, click Edit Points
Edit Points to display the Edit Points dialog box.
Select the Enable Filtering option.
Click the Include tab.
Select the With Number Matching check box, and then click the Selection Set in Drawing button.
Enter W for the Window option and window in points 247, 248, and 758, and then press ENTER.
As the Edit Points dialog box is displayed again, verify that the three points now appear in the With Number Matching box.
Click the Build List button to build the list of points to edit.
Click the Edit tab.
Point number 247 is locked and cannot be edited, but the other two points are unlocked and can be edited. Before you edit the points, you'll exit the Edit Points dialog box and unlock point 247.
Click OK to continue.