Point objects can be added to the original data used to build the surface and the surface can be rebuilt at any time with this information. However, to avoid having to rebuild the surface, surface points can be added.
First, import the surface triangulation lines as 3D lines.
On the Terrain menu, click Edit Surface
Import 3D Lines.
Press ENTER to accept the default, Yes, to erase the old surface view.
Since the contour lines in the specific area are at an elevation of 122 m, add a surface point midway between the contour lines (the center point of circle 1) at an elevation of 121.5 m.
On the Terrain menu, click Edit Surface
Add Point.
Use a Center Osnap to select the center of the small reference circle1, enter 121.5 m for the Elevation, and then press ENTER.
The surface point was added, with the triangulation adjusted automatically, but some flat triangles remain.
Click here to see an illustration of how the area within the circle was retriangulated.