In this exercise, you will change the point settings by specifying a new starting point number and manual elevations.
On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box, under Name, select 1, click Set Current, and then click OK.
On the Points menu, click Point Settings to display the Point Settings dialog box.
On the Create tab, in the Numbering section, enter 10 for the Current number.
In the Elevations section, select Manual, and then click OK.
Use the following steps to place a point at the lower- right building corner at an elevation of 249 m.
On the Points menu, click Create Points
Use an Endpoint Osnap to select the lower-right building corner.
Enter 249 m for the Elevation, and then press ENTER to end the command.
Use the following steps to change the point settings so you can specify point descriptions manually.
On the Points menu, click Point Settings to display the Point Settings dialog box.
In the Descriptions section, select Manual, and then click OK.
Use the following steps to place a point at the upper-right building corner at an elevation of 249 m and with a description of BLDG.
On the Points menu, click Create Points
Use an Endpoint Osnap to select the upper-right building corner.
Enter BLDG for the Description, accept the default, 249 m, for the Elevation, and then press ENTER.
Click here to see an illustration of the first and second points.