In this exercise, you will add breakline data from existing points and 2D and 3D polylines in the drawing. First create a breakline from points to define the streambed centerline.
Move the Terrain Model Explorer to the side of your screen.
On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 2, click Set Current, and then click OK.
Enter LAI, select one of the streambed points (the cyan Xs identified with the description Strm Bed), and then press ENTER to display the Layer(s) to isolate dialog box.
Verify the layer STREAM_PNTS is displayed in the Item box, and click OK to isolate the streambed layer.
On the Terrain Model Explorer select Breaklines, and then right-click and click Define by Point.
Select the bottom streambed point, and select the remaining streambed points sequentially from bottom to top, and then press ENTER when you have finished selecting the points.
Enter Streambed for the Description.
Press ENTER to display the Terrain Breaklines dialog box, and then click No to continue and process the breakline data.
The breakline is generated with each streambed point as a vertex.
Click here to see an illustration of the streambed breakline.
The breakline point data is displayed in the right pane of the Terrain Model Explorer.