In this exercise, you will change the elevation of points in elevation range from 100 m to 200 m, and then move all of the points in the selection set up 100 m.
On the View menu, click Named Views to display the View dialog box. Under Name, select 2, click Set Current, and then click OK.
On the Points menu, click Edit Points
Enter 100 for the Change in elevation.
Enter D for the Dialog option to display the Points dialog box.
Verify that the Enable Filtering option is selected.
Click the Reset button near the bottom-left of the dialog box to clear the previous selection.
Click the Point Groups tab.
From the list of point groups, select DAY2, and then click the Build List button at the top of the dialog box.
You want to use only the points in the DAY2 point group that are between 100 and 200 meters. In the next steps, use the Exclude tab to exclude all other points outside of this elevation range.
Click the Exclude tab, select the With Elevation Matching check box, and then type <100,>200.
This syntax excludes points below 100 meters and above 200 meters.
Click Build List to exclude the points from the list.
Click OK to continue.
All of the points in the specified elevation range have now been moved up 100 m.