After the surface has been built and edited, further review of the surface sometimes identifies the need for additional breaklines. Incorporating additional surface data like breaklines, requires that you rebuild the surface. This is true regarding any additional surface data not added or altered by the Surface Editing commands.
Surface edit history can be recorded and added to a file, and then reapplied to a surface when it is rebuilt. Rebuilding a surface with the Edit History option toggled on will return it to its original state, before editing occurred.
On the Terrain menu, click Terrain Model Explorer to display the Terrain Model Explorer.
Select Area1b, and then right-click and click Build to display the Surface Modified dialog box.
Click Yes to acknowledge the Surface Modified dialog box and display the Build Area1b dialog box.
Enter Area1b for the Description, and then in the Surface Data Options section, verify that the Use point group data, Use breakline data, and Use contour data check boxes are selected.
Select the Minimize flat triangles resulting from contour data and Apply Edit History check boxes, and then click OK.
The surface data is reprocessed and the surface is rebuilt.
As a message dialog box is displayed, click OK to continue, and then close the Terrain Model Explorer.
On the Terrain menu, click Surface Display
Quick View.
The surface edits previously performed have been reapplied to the surface.
This concludes the surface editing lesson. In the next lesson, you'll learn about creating contours.