Rx Help Index

RX Library

RX Library Help v1.1.10 (both on-line and off-line edition)

RxLibrary Set of Native Delphi Components for Borland Delphi versions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and Borland C++ Builder 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 5.0  with full Source Code.

The library and help documentation is separate and have different version numbering.
Current RxLibrary Version: 2.75
Current Help Version: 1.1.10

The off-line edition is now available. Do check the download site every month to ensure you always have the latest version of RxLibrary and it's English Help Documentation.

__Installation Notes...
__Tips with using RxLibrary
__Common Problems with Installing RxLibrary
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Class - Components Brief Description File
TRxComboEdit Combo Edit field with a button. ToolEdit
TRxFilenameEdit Edit Field with button to select a filename ToolEdit
TRxDateEdit Edit Field designed with date input and calendar ToolEdit
TRxDirectoryEdit Edit field with a pop-up directory selection dialogue box ToolEdit
TRxCurrencyEdit Edit field with currency editing properties CurrEdit
TRxTextListBox TListBox descendant with optional horizontal scrollbar. RxCtrls
TRxCheckListBox Scrollable TListBox with check boxes next to each item. RXCtrls
TRxFontComboBox TListBox displaying Fonts. RxCombos
TRxColorComboBox TListBox displaying a Colour combination. RxCombos
TRxSplitter Splitter component. RxSplit
TRxSlider Slider Component RxSlider
TRxLabel TLabel with 3D special effects and other options. RxCtrls
TRxClock Standard digit and analogue Clock RxClock
TRxDrawGrid Draw grid RxCtrls
TRxSpeedButton Speed button with an explorer style alternative. RxSpeed
TRxSpinEdit Spinner button RxSpin
TRxSwitch The alternative to the Delphi 1.0 VBX switch RxSwitch
TRxDice Dice RxDice
Class - Database Brief Description File
TRxQuery, TSQLScript Special version of Query and SQL Execute RxQuery
TMemoryTable In-Line memory table to store temporary queries MemTable
TQBEQuery Query by Example (see your academic notes) DbQbe
TRxDBFilter Database filter DbFilter
TRxDBGrid Data-aware RxGrid. DbGrid
TDBDateEdit, PickDate Data Aware RX DateEdit DBCtrl
TDBStatusLabel Information about the status of an open database file. RxDBComb
TRxDBLookupList Similar to InfoPower's Woll2Woll components. RxDBComb
TRxDBLookupCombo Similar to InfoPower's Woll2Woll components. RxLookup
TRxDBComboBox Similar to InfoPower's Woll2Woll components. RxDBComb
TRxDBRichEdit Data-Aware RichEdit control DBRichEd
TDBIndexCombo Provides a drop-down list of the indexes. DBIndex
TDBProgress Monitor a "remote" (or process on another computer) SQL procedure DBPrgrss
TDBSecurity Database Security options DBSecur
TRxBdeErrorDlg Replaces the standard BDE data-aware Error message DBExcpt
Class Brief Description File
TPicClip Provides the functionality of the PICCLIP.VBX control which ships with Visual Basic Professional PicClip
TFormPlacement The TFormPlacement component provides a quick method for saving size and position of its parent form. Placement
TFormStorage Stores the form's internal details Placement
TRxIniFile The lower level details of RX Form Storage. RxIni
TRxWindowHook Make an extension to a component that does not have the source code, or is difficult to modify. RxHook
TDualListDialog Allows creating a dual-list box (e.g., installation settings) DualList
TConverter Multiple purpose converter VCL wrapper DataConv
TSecretPanel Similar to tPanel, except that it can be used as a scroller RxCtrls
TSpeedbar A dockable speedbar Speedbar
TClipboardViewer Display the contents of the Windows Clipboard on a form ClipView
TPageManager Create wizards PageMngr
TRxCalculator Calculator (decimal and floating point edition) RxCalc
TRxStrHolder A VCL container for stringlist. StrHolder
TAppEvent General Purpose Application handler AppEvent
TRxTimerList Timer "list of list" (to conserve timer resources) TimerLst
TMRUManager Most Recently Used Manager (e.g., Browser back and forward buttons?) MRUList
TRxTrayIcon Tray Icon - and note the ShellAPI extensions it contains
(This is used in combination with AppEvent)
TIconList Internal details and workings of the RX Tray Icon. IcoList
TAnimatedCursorImage Animated Cursors AniFile
TAnimateImage Animation Animate
TRxMathParser Mathematical parser Parsing
TVerInfo Version Information Stuff VerInfo
Description Brief Description File
Application Units Visual Application Events (no coding instead) AppUtils
TDBLocate Borland Database Engine Utilities BdeUtils
TLocateObject Database Utilities DBUtils
Box Procedures Box Procedures BoxProcs
Date Util Date Utilities DateUtil
File Utilities File Utilities FileUtil
Min - Max Minimum and Maximum. MaxMin
THugeList Huge Object Oriented List ObjStr
RX Ole 2 Automation OLE2 Automation stuff. Ole2Auto
RX StrUtils String Utilities StrUtils
RX Splash Windows Splash window... SplshWnd
RX VCL Utilities VCL Utilities VCLUtils
RX Clip Icons Code for the clipboard. ClipIcon
Class Brief Description File
TRxGIFAnimator GIF Animation Routine GIFCtrl
TGIFFrame GIF routines RxGIF
TRxDBCalcEdit Data-aware Edit field with RxCalculator RxDBCtrl
TRxCalcEdit Edit field with RxCalculator RxCombos
RxGraph Bitmap to memory formatting RX Graph

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000