Rx Clock

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RX Clock RxClock TRxClock

The TRxClock component allows a standard analog or digital clock (according to the
ShowMode property).

The TRxClock can also be used as an alarm clock by setting the
AlarmEnabled, AlarmHour, AlarmMinute and AlarmSecond properties and writing a handler for the OnAlarm event to trigger.

Property AlarmEnabled
Declaration: AlarmEnabled: Boolean;

This property determines whether the alarm should be activated (trigger) or not.

Property AlarmHour
Declaration: AlarmHour: Byte;

This property defines the time (with the AlarmMinute and AlarmSecond properties) to be used as alarm time checks by the TRxClock component. When computer's time is equal to the time specified by these properties, and AlarmEnabled is True, the OnAlarm event is occured. The hour value uses a 24 hour clock.

Property AlarmMinute
Declaration: AlarmMinute: Byte;

This property defines the time (with the AlarmHour and AlarmSecond properties) to be used as alarm time checks by the TRxClock component.

When computer's time is equal to the time specified by these properties, and
AlarmEnabled is True, the OnAlarm event is occured.

Property AlarmSecond
Declaration: AlarmSecond: Byte;

This property defines the time (with the AlarmHour and AlarmMinute properties) to be used as alarm time checks by the TRxClock component. When computer's time is equal to the time specified by these properties, and AlarmEnabled is True, the OnAlarm event is occured.

Property AutoSize
Declaration: AutoSize: Boolean;

If the ShowMode is scDigital and the AutoSize property is true, the size of the font of the digital clock automatically changes according to size of clock control.

Property DotsColor
Declaration: DotsColor: TColor;

The DotsColor specifies the color of the hour dots in the TRxClock control when ShowMode is scAnalog. (This is used only when Ctl3D property is True.)

Property LeadingZero
Declaration: LeadingZero: Boolean;

Specifies whether or not single digit hour values have a leading zero if ShowMode property is scDigital.

Property ShowMode
Declaration: ShowMode: TShowClock;

The ShowMode property determines type of clock to display - (scDigital = digital), (scAnalog = traditional analogue clock).

Property ShowSeconds
Declaration: ShowSeconds: Boolean;

The ShowSeconds property determines whether or not seconds (the seconds hand in the analogue clock or seconds time in the digital font) will be displayed.

Property TwelveHour
Declaration: TwelveHour: Boolean;

This specifies whether or not TRxClock displays time values using a twelve-hour clock.

In other words,
Property TwelveHour = true --> 8:21 p.m. --> "08:21 PM";
Property TwelveHour = false --> 8:21 p.m. --> "20:21 PM";

The values of TimeAMString and TimePMString standard global variables are used during the formatting of the twelve-hour time.

Event OnAlarm
Declaration: OnAlarm: TNotifyEvent;

This event (trigger) is called when there is an alarm.

The OnAlarm event is used to execute code at time specified by AlarmHour, AlarmMinute and AlarmSecond properties. This event occured only if AlarmEnabled property is set to True value.

Method SetAlarmTime
Declaration: procedure SetAlarmTime(AlarmTime: TDateTime);

This allows you to set the alarm time.
(Note: The date is ignored.)

Type TShowClock
Declaration: TShowClock = (scDigital, scAnalog);

The TShowClock type defines the possible values for the ShowMode property of the TRxClock component.

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000