Rx Database Index Combo

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RX Database Index Combo DBIndex TDBIndexCombo

TDBIndexCombo is a descendant of the TCustomComboBox component and provides a drop-down list of the indexes available in the attached dataset. The list of indexes can be configured to display the index name in several ways to include a user-defined string for each index.

Selecting one of the index names from the drop-down list changes the dataset's active index so that future operations on that dataset will use the newly selected index.

Property DispalyMode
Declaration: DispalyMode: TIdxDisplayMode;

DisplayMode determines the text that is displayed in the drop-down list. The following table list possible values for DisplayMode and their meanings:

- dmFieldLabels - displays the DisplayLabel of the fields in the index;

- dmFieldNames - displays the list of field names that make up the index;

- dmIndexName - displays the actual index name.

Property EnableNoIndex
Declaration: EnableNoIndex: Boolean;

EnableNoIndex property determines whether or not the popup list contains additional item which can be selected by end-user to defeat using any indexes (i.e. assign empty value to IndexName and IndexFieldNames properties of attached table). String value for this additional item specified by NoIndexItem property.

Property NoIndexItem
Declaration: NoIndexItem: string;

NoIndexItem property specifies the text string for additional item which can be selected by end-user to defeat using any indexes (i.e. assign empty value to IndexName and IndexFieldNames properties of attached table). This additional item used by TDBIndexCombo control only if EnableNoIndex property is True.

Type TIdxDisplayMode
Declaration: TIdxDisplayMode = (dmFieldLabels, dmFieldNames, dmIndexName);

The TIdxDisplayMode type defines the possible values for the DisplayMode property of the TDBIndexCombo component.

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000