Rx ComboEdit

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RX ComboEdit ToolEdit TComboEdit

The TComboEdit component combines an Edit field with a tButton. The button is automatically aligned to the right side of the edit field and triggers an event when clicked (OnButtonClick).

The TComboEdit component is often used as a replacement as it can invoke a dialog box used to provide lookup values.

To change the button's glyph and appearance, use the GlyphKind, Glyph, NumGlyphs, ButtonWidth and ButtonHint properties.

Property Button
Declaration: Button: TRxSpeedButton;

This run-time and read-only property provides to direct access to the button in the button edit component (see also: TRxSpeedButton control.)

Property ButtonHint
Declaration: ButtonHint: string;

The ButtonHint property is the text string that specifies the Hint property for the button in a button edit component (TComboEdit and derived).

Property ButtonWidth
Declaration: ButtonWidth: Integer;

For button edits, use this property to specify the width of the button. Set this property to zero value to hide the button in a combo-edit control.

Event OnButtonClick
Declaration: OnButtonClick: TNotifyEvent;

OnButtonClick event occurs whenever the button in a button edit component gets pressed or the user presses the accelerator key specified by ClickKey property. When ButtonWidth = 0 the OnButtonClick events doesn't occure.

Method DoClick
Declaration: procedure DoClick;

The DoClick method simulates a mouse click, as if the user had clicked a button, executing any code attached to the OnButtonClick event.

Property EditText : string
EditText variable contains the text in the edit field. Use this function to programatically obtain the data from the control.

Property Text : string
Text property contains the text of the ComboEdit field.

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000