Rx Directory

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RX Directory Edit ToolEdit TDirectoryEdit

Description: The TDirectoryEdit is a normal TEdit field for inputting directory names. The TDirectoryEdit control has a button attached to it. When the Onclick event is triggered (when you click on the button), a dialog appears to allow the user to select a directory name. When the user chooses OK in the dialog box, the selected directory name is placed into the edit box's Text property.

Optionally, you can also permit the user to choose multiple directory names with the MultipleDir property.

This component use the SelectDirectory (Delphi) standard function from FileCtrl unit to show the dialog box.

Property DialogKind
Declaration: DialogKind: TDirDialogKind;

Use this property to select between standard dialog types:

• dkVCL - standard Delphi VCL dialog (using SelectDirectory standard function);
• dkWin32 - standard Windows "Browse For Folder" dialog, used only in Windows95 or NT 4.x or higher. In NT 3.51 standard Delphi VCL dialog will be used regardless this property value.

NOTE. When you set DialogKind to dkWin32 value, the DialogOptions property will be ignored.

Property DialogOptions
Declaration: DialogOptions: TSelectDirOpts;

The DialogOptions properties is a set of values. If DialogOptions is the empty set, the user can only select a directory that already exists. No edit box is provided for the user to enter a new directory name.

These are the possible values that can be added to the DialogOptions set:
- sdAllowCreate - an edit box appears to allow the user to type in the name of a directory that does not exist. This option does not create a directory, but the application can access the Text property to create the directory selected if desired.

- sdPerformCreate - Used only when DialogOptions contains sdAllowCreate. If the user enters a directory name that does not exist, the TDirectoryEdit creates it just the dialog is closed.

- sdPrompt - Used when DialogOptions contains sdAllowCreate. Displays a message box that informs the user when the entered directory does not exist and asks if the directory should be created. If the user chooses OK, the directory is created if DialogOptions contains sdPerformCreate. If DialogOptions does not contain sdPerformCreate, the directory is not created: the application should create it separately.

NOTE. In 32-bit version when DialogKind = dkWin32 this property is ignored.

Property MultipleDirs
Declaration: MultipleDirs: Boolean;

When MultipleDir = True, the directory name selected in the dialog will be added to the Text property; when False, the selected directory name will replace the text of the editor.

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000