Rx Text List Box

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
Text List Box RX Ctrls TTextListBox

TTextListBox is a TListBox descendant (for text items only, not owner-drawn types) with an automatic horizontal scrollbar if necessary.

Type TAcceptKeyEvent
Declaration: TAcceptKeyEvent = function (Sender: TObject; var Key: Char): Boolean of object;

TAcceptKeyEvent is the type of the OnAcceptEditKey event of the TRxDrawGrid component.

Type TChangeStateEvent
Declaration: TChangeStateEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Index: Integer) of object;

TChangeStateEvent is the type of the OnChangeState event of the TRxCheckListBox component.

Type TCheckKind
Declaration: TCheckKind = (ckCheckBoxes, ckRadioButtons);

The TCheckKind type lists the values the CheckKind property of the check list box (TRxCheckListBox) can assume.

Type TEditAlignEvent
Declaration: TEditAlignEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint; var Alignment: TAlignment) of object;

TEditAlignEvent is the type of the OnGetEditAlign event of the TRxDrawGrid component.

Type TEditLimitEvent
Declaration: TEditLimitEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; var MaxLength: Integer) of object;

TEditLimitEvent is the type of the OnGetEditLimit event of the TRxDrawGrid component.

Type TEditShowEvent
Declaration: TEditShowEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint; var AllowEdit: Boolean) of object;

TEditLimitEvent is the type of the OnShowEditor event of the TRxDrawGrid component.

The value of the AllowEdit parameter determines if the in-place editor can show or not.

Type TEditStyleEvent
Declaration: TEditStyleEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint; var Style: TInplaceEditStyle) of object;

TEditStyleEvent is the type of the OnGetEditStyle event of the TRxDrawGrid component.

The Style parameter determines how users can edit the data of a grid cell. These are the possible values of Style: - ieSimple - No combo box or ellipsis button is provided. The user cannot select the cell's content from a list.

  • iePicklist - The grid displays a combo box in the column, and the user can choose a value from the drop-down list. You must specify contents of a pick-list by handling OnGetPicklist event.
  • ieEllipsis - The column displays an ellipsis button that the user can click to choose a value. Clicking the ellipsis button triggers an OnEditButtonClick event.

Type TGetItemWidthEvent
Declaration: TGetItemWidthEvent = procedure(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; var Width: Integer) of object;

TGetItemWidthEvent is the type of the OnGetItemWidth event of the TRxCheckListBox component.

Type TGlyphLayout
Declaration: TGlyphLayout = (glGlyphLeft, glGlyphRight, glGlyphTop, glGlyphBottom);

TGlyphLayout defines the values the GlyphLayout property of a secret panel (TSecretPanel) can assume.

Type TInplaceEditStyle
Declaration: TInplaceEditStyle = (ieSimple, ieEllipsis, iePickList);

TInplaceEditStyle defines the values the Style parameter of OnGetEditStyle event handler can assume. The Style parameter determines how users can edit the data of a grid cell. These are the possible values of Style:

  • ieSimple - No combo box or ellipsis button is provided. The user cannot select the cell's content from a list.
  • iePicklist - The grid displays a combo box in the column, and the user can choose a value from the drop-down list. You must specify contents of a pick-list by handling OnGetPicklist event.
  • ieEllipsis - The column displays an ellipsis button that the user can click to choose a value. Clicking the ellipsis button triggers an OnEditButtonClick event.

Type TPicklistEvent
Declaration: TPicklistEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Longint; PickList: TStrings) of object;

TPicklistEvent is the type of the OnGetPicklist event of the TRxDrawGrid component.

Type TRxButtonState
Declaration: TRxButtonState = (rbsUp, rbsDisabled, rbsDown, rbsExclusive, rbsInactive);

TRxButtonState defines a range for the state of TRxSpeedButton. For internal using.

Type TRxDropDownMenuPos
Declaration: TRxDropDownMenuPos = (dmpBottom, dmpRight);

TRxDropDownMenuPos defines the values the MenuPosition property of a TRxSpeedButton can assume.

Type TRxNumGlyphs
Declaration: TRxNumGlyphs = 1..5;

The TNumGlyphs type defines the range of values (1-5) the NumGlyphs property of a speed button (TRxSpeedButton) can assume.

Type TShadowPosition
Declaration: TShadowPosition = (spLeftTop, spLeftBottom, spRightBottom, spRightTop);

TShadowPosition is the type of the ShadowPos property of the TRxLabel component.

Type TTextLayout
Declaration: TTextLayout = (tlTop, tlCenter, tlBottom);

TTextLayout specifies the available values for vertical placement of the text in the label.

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000