Rx Splash Windows

RX Library





Const SplashStayOnTop
Declaration: SplashStayOnTop: Boolean = True;;

This global variable determines whether or not the form created by ShowSplashWindow function will be have FormStyle property equal to fsStayOnTop. The default setting is True. Set SplashStayOnTop to False if you want to create splash screen with form style equal to fsNormal.

Type TSplashWindow
Declaration: TSplashWindow = class(TForm);

This calss is intended for creating splash screens. Splash screens are simply forms that are presented to users while the application is performing time-consuming operations or displayed as soon as your application program is executed.

To create and display splash screen use ShowSplashWindow function.

Routine ShowSplashWindow
Declaration: function ShowSplashWindow(Graphic: TGraphic; const MsgText: string; Animate: Boolean; AlignForm: TForm): TSplashWindow;

ShowSplashWindow creates and displays splash form. Splash forms are simply forms that are presented to users while the application is performing time-consuming operations or displayed as soon as your application program is executed. While the splash screen is being displayed, you can perform other operations in your program.

Graphic parameter specified a graphic to displaing in left part of splash screen. It may be icon, bitmap or "animated" bitmap. When Animate parameter is True and Graphic is TBitmap object, then TAnimatedImage component will be created to display animation in splash screen. Of course you must call Application.ProcessMessages method while the splash screen is being displayed to allow animation.

MsgText parameter specified the text string that will be displayed on the splash screen. AlignForm is a form withih the splash screen will be centered. Function returns a TSplashForm object. Don't forget to destroy splash screen after displaying by calling its Free destructor.

ShowSplashWindow example:

__Splash: TForm;
__Splash := ShowSplashWindow(Application.Icon, 'Loading... Please wait.',
______________False, Application.MainForm);
____{ time-consuming operations }

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000