Rx Secret Panel

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RX Secret Panel RXCtrls TSecretPanel

TSecretPanel implements the generic behavior introduced in TPanel and publishes all properties inherited from TPanel. TSecretPanel also allows lines of text (Lines property) to be scrolled vertically from bottom to top when the Active property is True. It facilitates, amoung other things, the text display features to be changed, such as alignment, font and style (lowered, raised, or normal). You can also display graphic specified by Glyph property during text scrolling. When Active is False the lines of text and image Glyph are invisible.

In other words, this panel acts as a credits panel, or a scrolling text panel, where the text is scrolled simiar to movie credits.

A good usage of this panel is an enhanced version of the about box. Use the
Glyph property to set the bitmap and the GlyphLayout to set the left part of the panel. Set the Active property and Cycled property to true, and add the text of the property lines.

Property Active
Declaration: Active: Boolean;

Active property defines whether the scrolling is active or not. You must have something defined in the property lines.

Property Cycled
Declaration: Cycled: Boolean;

Cycles property defines whether Active is property should be active after the text scrolled out of the SecretPanel.

In other words, once the text in the
lines property are scrolled out of the SecretPanel, Active becomes false. To set Active to permanently, set the Cycled property to true.

Property GlyphLayout
Declaration: GlyphLayout: TGlyphLayout;

GlyphLayout property sets the position of the Glyph.

Property Glyph
Declaration: Glyph: TBitmap;

Glyph property sets the Glyph's bitmap.

Property Lines
Declaration: Lines: TStrings;

The lines property contains the lines that will be scrolled

Property TextStyle
Declaration: TextStyle: TPanelBevel;

TextStyle sets the style of the text -

  • bvLowered - sub-raised text.
  • bvNone - none
  • bvRaised - raised text.

Event OnStartPlay
Declaration: OnStartPlay: TNotifyEvent;

OnStartPlay event is triggered when the Active property is set to true.

Event OnStopPlay
Declaration: OnStopPlay: TNotifyEvent;

OnStartPlay event is triggered when the Active property is set to false.

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000