Rx Form Storage

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RX Form Storage Placement TFormStorage

The TFormStorage component is a direct descendent of TFormPlacement. In addition to the

TFormPlacement's properties, methods, and events, this component also allows a component to save its any published property values off to an INI file (or 32-bit registry) and restore the values later.

In 32-bit version, when UseRegistry is True, TFormStorage uses standard TRegIniFile class. So the IniFileName passed to a TFormStorage component becomes a subkey under the system registry’s root key (HKEY_CURRENT_USER by default).

TFormStorage will work with any component or control you might have. Even 3rd party controls or controls you have designed yourself.

Using class TFormStorage

  • At design-time use component editor to add published properties of any other components to list of stored properties of TFormStorage component.
  • To save and restore the position of TRxSplitter component add to stored properties the Width or Height (according to Align property) of one of splitted controls (ControlFirst or ControlSecond).
  • To save and restore active page of tabbed controls (TNotebook, TTabbedNotebook or TPageControl) store ActivePage or PageIndex property.
  • You can save and restore text of edit controls by adding to stored properties the Text property for TEdit or Lines property for TMemo.
  • Use TFormStorage to save and restore state of windowed controls such as TCheckBox, TRadioGroup etc.
  • Link the TFormStorage (or TFormPlacement) component to IniStorage property of some another components to save and load information specific for these components (TRxCheckListBox, TRxDrawGrid, TSpeedbar, TMRUManager, TRxDBGrid) with no additional code.

TFormStorage component allows you to read and write virtually any component published property to an INI file or the system Registry with virtually no code.

Property Active
Declaration: Active: Boolean;

Property active defines whether FormStorage service is active or not.

Property Options
Declaration: Options: TPlacementOptions;

The Options property tells the TFormPlacement component which parts of the parent form it should read and write to the specified IniFileName.

These are the possible values that can be included in the Options set:

  • fpState - state of form (normal, minimize, maximize);
  • fpPosition - Top, Left, Height and Width of form;
  • fpActiveControl - current Active Control on the form (value of the ActiveControl property).

Property StoredProps
Declaration: StoredProps: TStrings;

StoredProps contains the forms controls you have selected or chosen to have their properties stored into a file.

Method RestoreProperties
Declaration: procedure RestoreProperties;

procedure RestoreProperties restores the properties of the selected controls and form.

Method SaveProperties
Declaration: procedure SaveProperties;

procedure SaveProperties save the properties of the selected controls and form.

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000