Rx Min Max

RX Library



Routine Max
Declaration: function Max(A, B: Longint): Longint;

The Max function returns the largest of two longint values A and B.

Max example:
I1 := Max(I1, I2);

Routine MaxFloat
Declaration: function MaxFloat(const Values: array of Extended): Extended;

The MaxFloat function returns the largest signed value in the Values array.

MaxFloat example:
MaxVal := MaxFloat([MaxVal, -1, 12.2, 3.36, 12.438]);

Routine MaxInteger
Declaration: function MaxInteger(const Values: array of Longint): Longint;

The MaxInteger function returns the greatest longint value in the Values array.

MaxInteger example:
MaxVal := MaxInteger([MaxVal, 1, 12, 36, 43]);

Routine MaxOf
Declaration: function MaxOf(const Values: array of Variant): Variant;
The MaxOf function returns the greatest value in the Values array.

MaxOf example:
MaxVal := MaxOf([MaxVal, -1, 12.2, 3.36, 12.438]);

Routine Min
Declaration: function Min(A, B: Longint): Longint;

The Max function returns the smallest of two longint values A and B.

Min example:
I1 := Min(I1, I2);

Routine MinFloat
Declaration: function MinFloat(const Values: array of Extended): Extended;

The MinFloat function returns the smallest signed value in the Values array.

MinFloat example:
MinVal := MinFloat([MinVal, -1, 12.2, 3.36, 12.438]);

Routine MinInteger
Declaration: function MinInteger(const Values: array of Longint): Longint;

The MinInteger function returns the smallest longint value in the Values array.

MinInteger example:
MinVal := MinInteger([MinVal, 1, 12, 36, 43]);

Routine MinOf
Declaration: function MinOf(const Values: array of Variant): Variant;

The MinOf function returns the smallest value in the Values array.

MinOf example:
MinVal := MinOf([MinVal, -1, 12.2, 3.36, 12.438]);

Routine SwapInt
Declaration: procedure SwapInt(var Int1, Int2: Integer);

Exchange the values in two integers Int1 and Int2.

SwapInt example:
SwapInt(I1, I2);

Routine SwapLong
Declaration: procedure SwapLong(var Int1, Int2: Longint);

Exchange the values in two long integers Int1 and Int2.

SwapLong example:
SwapLong(I1, I2);

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000