Rx Dual List Dialogue

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RX Dual List Dialogue DualList TDualListDialog

DualListDialogue is a window with two listboxes, one is the source, the other is the destination. If you want to change the captions of the Help, Cancel and OK, use the CancelBtnCaption properties.

Property CancelBtnCaption
Declaration: CancelBtnCaption: TCaption;

Property CancelBtnCaption sets the caption of the Cancel Button.

Property HelpBtnCaption
Declaration: HelpBtnCaption: TCaption;

Property HelpBtnCaption sets the caption of the Help Button.

Property Label1Caption
Declaration: Label1Caption: TCaption;

Property Label1Caption ("Source") sets the caption of the Help Button.

Property Label2Caption
Declaration: Label2Caption: TCaption;

Property Label2Caption ("Destination") sets the caption of the Help Button.

Property List1
Declaration: List1: TStrings;

Property List1 is the source container. List1 contain the strings which would be transferred to List2.

Property List2
Declaration: List2: TStrings;

Property List2 is the target container. The items in List1 are transferred to List2.

Property OkBtnCaption
Declaration: OkBtnCaption: TCaption;

Property OkBtnCaption ("Ok") sets the caption of the Ok Button.

Property ShowHelp
Declaration: ShowHelp: Boolean;

ShowHelp determines whether the "Help" button is shown or not.

Property Sorted
Declaration: Sorted: Boolean;

Property Sorted sorts the list of the dual lists.

Property Title
Declaration: Title: string;

The Title property determines the text that appears in the dialog box's title bar.

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000