Rx Dice

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RXControls RxDice tRxDice

RX Dice is a custom control representing a dice. This has six states (1,2,3,4,5,6).
The purpose of this component is to emulate a dice.

Property AutoSize : boolean
AutoSize property sizes the dice to the default size.

Property Colour : tColour
Colour property sets the background colour.

Property Interval : integer
Interval property is the wait state in milliseconds.

Property Rotate : boolean
Rotate property rotates the dice. By setting it to true, it will rotate. When the value is false, the dice is in "stop" mode (or does not move).

Property ShowFocus: Boolean;
Property ShowFocus

ShowFocus indicates whether control should draw a focus rectangle around the self ClientRect when the control has input focus and TabStop = True.

Value : TrxDiceValue;
Declaration: TrxDiceValue = 1..6;
TRxDiceValue is the type for the Value property of TRxDice component.

The value (or the variable that contains the value) of the dice. In other words, this is the actual value of the dice.

procedure RandomValue;
This "spins" the dice to a random value.
In other words, a random value is assigned to the value property of the TRxDice component.

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000