RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RX MRU [Most Recently Used] List
or Manager
MRUList TMRUManager

This component greatly simplifies adding MRU (More Recently Used) object lists (i.e. file descriptions) to the application menus.

Example Usage:
It is somewhat difficult to explain what the MRU manager does, and is best explained by an example:

Under the File menu, I have a sub-menu called "Recent". So, under the RecentMenu property of the MRUManager, I have this menu item. I save up to 10 recently used files in the registry. The call I use to load these files from the registry is:


where EMIni.CSRegistry is the registry key and recent is the section. Check out the Rx code in the MRUList.PAS unit for any more details on this. To save a file to the MRUManager, I use:


Where OpenDialog.Filename is the name of the file to be added to the list and 0 is a UserData flag which I don't use. Again, the MRUList.PAS has the source for this.

Then, when I close my program, I save the info which was added to the MRUManager by calling:


Property AccelDelimiter
Declaration: AccelDelimiter: TAccelDelimiter;

This defines the accelerated delimited.

In other words: Since "&" cannot be stored in, it is substituted to either a tab or space instead. The property AccelDelimiter sets this.

Property AutoEnable
Declaration: AutoEnable: Boolean;

AutoEnable property automatically enables the MRU manager on startup and shutdown of the form.
In other words, all the processing is done automatically for you.

Property AutoUpdate
Declaration: AutoUpdate: Boolean;

Set AutoUpdate to true, the MRU is automatically updated.

In other words, the MRU manager automatically processes and updates itself automatically when AutoUpdate property is true.

Property Capacity
Declaration: Capacity: Integer;

Capacity is the maximum number of strings the MRU list can hold. Adding new strings will delete oldest strings if necessary.

Property Mode
Declaration: Mode: TRecentMode;

Property mode controls how the entries are added into the system. They are either:

  • mrInsert - inserted into the most recently used list.
  • mrAppend - appended into the most recently used list.

Property RecentMenu
Declaration: RecentMenu: TMenuItem;

RecentMenu is the last or recent menu that would be utilised.

Property RemoveOnSelect
Declaration: RemoveOnSelect: Boolean;

RemoveOnSelect defines whether the most recently used entry is deleted when the entry is selected.

Property SeparateSize
Declaration: SeparateSize: Word;

SeparateSize - separate size is the MRU manager's stuff.

Property ShowAccelChar
Declaration: ShowAccelChar: Boolean;

ShowAccelChar property defines whether the Accelerated

Property StartAccel
Declaration: StartAccel: Cardinal;

StartAccel defines if the each member of the MRU list should start with an accelerated character.

Property Strings
Declaration: Strings: TStrings;

Strings property can be used to direst access to list of elements stored in the TMRUManager component. By using this property you can assign MRU-strings to another controls, for example, to list-boxes or to combo-boxes:

ListBox1.Items := MRUManager1.Strings;

Event OnChange
Declaration: OnChange: TNotifyEvent;

OnChange occurs immediately after the list of MRU-strings changes. Write an OnChange event handler to respond to changes in the list of MRU-elements. For example, if you are using MRU-strings in a control (list-box, combo-box or another), the OnChange event handler could be used to change string list associated with a control.

Event OnClick
Declaration: OnClick: TClickMenuEvent;

OnClick event is triggered when the menu item in the MRU list is clicked.

Event OnGetItemData
Declaration: OnGetItemData: TGetItemEvent;

OnGetItemData event is triggered when an item is retrieved from the MRU list.

Event OnReadItem
Declaration: OnReadItem: TReadItemEvent;

OnReadItem event is triggered when an item or data is read into the MRU list.

Event OnWriteItem
Declaration: OnWriteItem: TWriteItemEvent;

OnWriteItem event is triggered when an item or data is written into the MRU list.

Method Add
Declaration: procedure Add(const RecentName: string; UserData: Longint);

procedure Add adds an entry RecentName to the MRU list and UserData.

Method LoadFromIni
Declaration: procedure LoadFromIni(Ini: TIniFile; const Section: string);

LoadFromIni loads the MRU list from the INI file.

Method LoadFromRegistry
Declaration: procedure LoadFromRegistry(Ini: TRegIniFile; const Section: string);

LoadsFromRegistry loads the MRU list from the registry.

Method Remove
Declaration: procedure Remove(const RecentName: string);

Remove a single item from the list. No error occured when item not found.

Method SaveToIni
Declaration: procedure SaveToIni(Ini: TIniFile; const Section: string);

SaveToIni procedure saves the MRU list to an INI file instead.

Method SaveToRegistry
Declaration: procedure SaveToRegistry(Ini: TRegIniFile; const Section: string);

SaveToRegistry saves the MRU list is the registry.

Method UpdateRecentMenu
Declaration: procedure UpdateRecentMenu;

UpdateRecentMenu updates the MRU list. Use this if the autoupdate property is false and you want to update the MRU list manually instead.

Type TAccelDelimiter
Declaration: TAccelDelimiter = (adTab, adSpace);

TAccelDelimiter is a set of values for the AccelDelimiter property of the TMRUManager component.

Type TClickMenuEvent
Declaration: TClickMenuEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; const RecentName, Caption: string; UserData: Longint) of object;

TClickMenuEvent is the type of the OnClick event of the TMRUManager component.

Type TGetItemEvent

Declaration: TGetItemEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; var Caption: string; var ShortCut: TShortCut; UserData: Longint) of object;

TGetItemEvent is the type of the OnGetItemData event of the TMRUManager component.

Type TReadItemEvent
Declaration: TReadItemEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; IniFile: TObject; const Section: string; Index: Integer; var RecentName: string; var UserData: Longint) of object;

TReadItemEvent is the type of the OnReadItem event of the TMRUManager component.

Type TRecentMode
Declaration: TRecentMode = (rmInsert, rmAppend);

TRecentMode is a set of values for the Mode property of the TMRUManager component.

Type TWriteItemEvent
Declaration: TWriteItemEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; IniFile: TObject; const Section: string; Index: Integer; const RecentName: string; UserData: Longint) of object;

TWriteItemEvent is the type of the OnWriteItem event of the TMRUManager component.

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000