Rx Switch

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RXControls RxSwitch TRxSwitch

RX Switch is a custom control representing a switch. This defines the switch 'ON' and 'OFF' as shown below.

TRxSwitch is a simple component that displays two bitmaps, depending on whether the state is "On" or "Off". The component's StateOn property determines which of the two states is displayed, and its GlyphOn and GlyphOff properties determine bitmaps are used.

Property Glyph On : tBitMap
Set the state of the glyph on. In other words, this is the bitmap that your application would load when the state of the switch is on.

Property Glyph Off : tBitMap
Set the state of the glyph off. In other words, this is the bitmap that your application would load when the state of the switch is off.

Property State On : Boolean
Set the swtichSet the state of the glyph on. In other words, this is the bitmap that your application would load when the state of the switch is on.

Text Position : tTextPos
TTextPos = (tpRight, tpLeft, tpAbove, tpBelow, tpNone);

This sets the state of where the text position is.
TTextPos is a set of values for the TextPosition property of the TRxSwitch component.

Toggle Key : TShortCut;
This is the toggle key to [on] or [off] the button.

Event OnOff
Declaration: OnOff: TNotifyEvent;

This event is triggered when the the Switch is switched off..

Event OnOn
Declaration: OnOn: TNotifyEvent;

This event is triggered when the the Switch is switched on.

Method ToggleSwitch
Declaration: procedure ToggleSwitch;

This procedure toggles the switch's state.

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000