Rx Calculator

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RX Calculator RxCombos TRxCalcEdit

The TRxCalcEdit takes the display and editing of numeric data one step further: it provides a popup calculator to help you calculate the number. When you perform a calculation on the calculator, the result is inserted into the number edit’s display.

TRxCalcEdit have the keyboard restrictions, so the user cannot enter invalid characters. When the user leaves the field, the number is reformatted to display appropriately, accordingly with the DisplayFormat property.

The field value is stored in a write Value property so you should read and write to that in your program.

This field is of type Extended. You can also read and write Value as integer number using AsInteger property.

Property GlyphKind
Declaration: GlyphKind: TGlyphKind;

Use this property to select between standard button glyph types, or specify a custom type.

The standard types are:

  • gkCustom - the button is displayed with a custom glyph, specified by Glyph property;
  • gkDefault - the button is displayed with a glyph, dependent on the editor class (TFilenameEdit, TDateEdit etc);
  • gkDropDown - the button is displayed with the standard combo box drop down glyph;
  • gkEllipsis - the button is displayed with an ellipsis glyph.

If the Glyph is set to a new bitmap, the gkCustom type is automatically set.

Property Value
Declaration: Value: Extended;

Value is the actual data in a TCurrencyEdit or in a TRxCalcEdit. Use Value to read data directly from and write data directly to an editor. When Text property is empty string, the Value property returns 0 (zero)

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000