Rx Window Hook

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RX Application Events RxHook TRxWindowHook

This class allows the creation of a "windows system hook". In other words, register an event with the windows event system so that it can be processed by your application instead. As it's name implies, it is not easy to understand what it does.

In other words, if you do not have the source code Make an extension to a component that does not have the source code, or is difficult to modify.

Property WinControl
Declaration: WinControl: TWinControl;

This is the component to "hook" to.

Event AfterMessage
Declaration: AfterMessage: THookMessageEvent;

AfterMessage event is triggered after a message generated from that particular control is passed.

Event BeforeMessage
Declaration: BeforeMessage: THookMessageEvent;

BeforeMessage event is triggered before a message is generated from that particular control being monitored.

Type THookMessageEvent
Declaration: THookMessageEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; var Msg: TMessage; var Handled: Boolean) of object;

THookMessageEvent is the type of the BeforeMessage and AfterMessage events of the TRxWindowHook component. The Handled parameter have a sence only in the BeforeMessage event.

Routine FindVirtualMethodIndex
Declaration: function FindVirtualMethodIndex(AClass: TClass; MethodAddr: Pointer): Integer;

FindVirtualMethodIndex example:

type THookForm = class(TForm)
__procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override;

WndProcSeq := FindVirtualMethodIndex(THookForm, @THookForm.WndProc);

Routine GetVirtualMethodAddress
Declaration: function GetVirtualMethodAddress(AClass: TClass; AIndex: Integer): Pointer;

GetVirtualMethodAddress example:
Method := GetVirtualMethodAddress(TForm1, 1);

Routine SetVirtualMethodAddress
Declaration: function SetVirtualMethodAddress(AClass: TClass; AIndex: Integer; NewAddress: Pointer): Pointer;

SetVirtualMethodAddress hooks the custom control AClass and specific type AIndex and linking it to new address.

SetVirtualMethodAddress example:
Next example shows how you can replace address of virtual method WndProc for descendant of TForm:

{ THookForm }

THookForm = class(TForm)
__procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override;

procedure THookForm.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);
var I: Integer;
__inherited WndProc(Message);
__if (Message.Msg = WM_NCHITTEST) then
____{ your specific event handler }

Replace and restore method address:

type PClass = ^TClass;
var SaveMethod: TWndMethod;

procedure SetHook(AForm: TForm);
var MethodIndex: Integer;
__MethodIndex := FindVirtualMethodIndex(THookForm, @THookForm.WndProc);
__@SaveMethod := SetVirtualMethodAddress(PClass(Form)^,
__MethodIndex, @THookForm.WndProc);

procedure ReleaseHook(AForm: TForm);
var MethodIndex: Integer;
__if Assigned(SaveMethod) then
____MethodIndex := FindVirtualMethodIndex(THookForm, @THookForm.WndProc);
____SetVirtualMethodAddress(PClass(Form)^, MethodIndex, @SaveMethod);
____SaveMethod := nil;

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000