Rx Application Events

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RX Application Events AppEvent TAppEvent

TAppEvent is a Application wrapper component, which makes it easier to work with the TApplication object properties and events at design time. By using TAppEvent component you can set TApplication properties and event handlers in Delphi form designer.

In other words:
Instead of writing code to respond to application event handlers. This is beneficial as instead of writing code all over the place, you can have a concise and disciplined manner to store the information.

Example: if you set the property
Chain = True, Set the show-hint to true.

Property Chained
Declaration: Chained: Boolean;

The Chained property indicates whether this component should replace any other TAppEvents event handlers of the same type. When Chained is False, the specified event handler replaces any previously registered by TAppEvents objects event handlers of the same type. When Chained is True, the corresponding event handler is called in addition to other registered events (by other TAppEvents objects).

Event OnPaintIcon
Declaration: OnPaintIcon: TNotifyEvent;

OnPaintIcon occurs when the minimized application receives a Windows paint message. Use OnPaint to perform special processing when the application's icon is redrawn. Any special painting should be done in this event. You should use the Canvas property to paint application's icon.

Event OnSettingsChanged
Declaration: OnSettingsChanged: TNotifyEvent;

OnSettingsChanged event occurred when the user alters the Windows system configuration and application receives a WM_WININICHANGE message.

Property ShowHint : Boolean

Showhint determines whether the application should show hints or not.

Property HintHidePause : Boolean

HintHidePause determines whether the pause time before hiding the hint (or delay time after the mouse moves and the hint gets hidden).

Property HintColour : color

HintColour determines the colour of the hint.

Property HintShortPause : Longint

This variable determines the amount of time required before the hint shows up.
(That is, you put the mouse on the form, how long it takes for the hint to come out after you put the mouse on the form).

Property ShowMainForm : Boolean

Show the main form be shown?
Setting this variable to true means the form will be shown.

Property ShowHint : Boolean

ShowHint shows the hint directly without having to write any code.

Event OnActivate
DoActivate(Sender: TObject);

OnActivate is triggered when the form is activated.

Event OnDeactivate
DoDeactivate(Sender: TObject);

OnDeactivate is triggered when the form is deactivated.

Event OnException
DoException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);

OnEception is triggered when there is an error (or exception on the form).

Event OnIdle
DoIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);

OnIdle is triggered when the application is idle.

Event OnHelp
function DoHelp(Command: Word; Data: Longint;
var CallHelp: Boolean): Boolean;

OnHelp is triggered when help is triggered (useful for putting all the code inside your code instead of triggering it all over the place).

Event OnHint
Method DoHint(Sender: TObject);

DoHint is triggered when hint is triggered.

Event OnMessage
Method DoMessage(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean);

Event OnMessage is triggered when hint is triggered.

Event OnMinimize
Method DoMinimize(Sender: TObject);

OnMinimize is triggered when your application is minimized..

Event OnRestore
Method DoRestore(Sender: TObject);

OnRestore is triggered when your application is restored (from maximized position, or from minimized position).

Event OnShowHint
Method DoShowHint(var HintStr: string; var CanShow: Boolean; var HintInfo: THintInfo);

OnShowHint is triggered when a hint is shown.

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000