Rx Label

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RxLabel RXCtrl TRxLabel

TRxLabel is TLabel with some additional special effects. It supports vertical alignment and shadows (like 3D style), in addition to standard label properties. You can use
ShadowPos, ShadowColor and ShadowSize properties to determines how to draw the label shadowed.

Property Layout
Declaration: Layout: TTextLayout;

The property Layout specifies the vertical placement of the text within the label when the AutoSize property is False. Set Layout to specify how the text of the label is placed within the ClientRect of the label control. Layout can be one of the following values:

  • tlTop - The text appears at the top of the label.
  • tlCenter - The text is vertically centered in the label.
  • tlBottom - The text appears along the bottom of the label.

Property ShadowColor
Declaration: ShadowColor: TColor;

Use this property to specify the color of the shadow. This property is only applicable when ShadowSize is set to non-zero value.

Property ShadowPos
Declaration: ShadowPos: TShadowPosition;

Use this property to specify the position of the shadow. This property is only applicable when ShadowSize is set to non-zero value.

Property ShadowSize
Declaration: ShadowSize: Byte;

Use this property to specify how far down and to the right the shadow text will be displayed from the main text.

Property ShowFocus
Declaration: ShowFocus: Boolean;

ShowFocus indicates whether TRxLabel should draw a focus rectangle around the self ClientRect when the control specified by FocusControl property has input focus.

Event OnMouseEnter
Declaration: OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent;

An OnMouseEnter event occurs when the user enter mouse pointer to the control. You can use OnMouseEnter and OnMouseLeave event handlers to change color, font, style of control etc.

Event OnMouseLeave
Declaration: OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent;

An OnMouseLeave event occurs when the user takes away mouse pointer from the control. You can use OnMouseEnter and OnMouseLeave event handlers to change color, font, style of control etc.

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000