Rx Speed Button

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RX Speed Button RxSpeed TRxSpeedButton

TRxSpeedButton is similar to the standard TSpeedButton control. This component has the all properties, methods, and events that apply to the TSpeedButton controls, and additional properties.

Flat property determines whether the button has a 3D border that provides a raised or lowered look when the button is unselected. The Transparent property specifies whether the background of the button obscures objects below the button control when the button is drawn. The GrayedInactive property specifies whether the button's glyph will be "grayed" when the button is unselected.

When it has not the mouse focus, the associated bitmap is drawn in shades (actually the bitmap is shaded with clWhite, clBtnHighlight, clBtnShadow and clBlack, so the look remains consistent when you change the system colors) - you can still give a specific non-focus bitmap if you want to.

When the AllowTimer property is set to True, instead of generating a single OnClick event when the button is pressed, TRxSpeedButton continues to generate OnClick events as long as the button is in the down state, with RepeatInterval interval.

Additionally, you can specify the "drop-down" menu for the button by the DropDownMenu property.

Property Alignment
Declaration: Alignment: TAlignment;

Alignment specifies how caption text is aligned within the button (TRxSpeedButton).

Property AllowTimer
Declaration: AllowTimer: Boolean;

When the AllowTimer property is set to True, instead of generating a single OnClick event when the button is pressed, TRxSpeedButton continues to generate OnClick events as long as the button is in the down state, with RepeatPause interval.

Property DropDownMenu
Declaration: DropDownMenu: TPopupMenu;

Specifies a TPopupMenu that can be linked with the button. If MarkDropDown set to true, a small icon is displayed at the right of the bitmap or the caption.

Property Flat
Declaration: Flat: Boolean;

Flat determines whether the button has a a 3D border that provides a raised or lowered look. Set Flat to True to remove the raised border when the button is unselected and the lowered border when the button is clicked or selected. When Flat is True, use separate bitmaps for the different button states to provide visual feedback to the user about the button state. When the button has not the mouse focus, and Flat and GrayedInactive properties both set to True, the associated bitmap is drawn in shades.

Property GrayedInactive
Declaration: GrayedInactive: Boolean;

This property controls the type of shading when no non-focus bitmap is defined and Flat property is set to True. When the button has not the mouse focus, the associated bitmap is drawn in shades (actually the bitmap is shaded with clWhite, clBtnHighlight, clBtnShadow and clBlack. You can still give a specific non-focus bitmap if you want to by place into Glyph property the bitmap with 5 images (Normal, Disabled, Down, Stay Down, Inactive). The 5th image will be used to draw non-focus bitmap.

When GrayedInactive is True and Glyph contains less then 5 images, the non-focus bitmap will be create for you automatically.

Property InitPause
Declaration: InitPause: Word;

Use this property to specify the number of milliseconds before the first OnClick event is generated after a TRxSpeedButton is depressed when the AllowTimer property is True.

Property MarkDropDown
Declaration: MarkDropDown: Boolean;

If MarkDropDown set to true, a small icon is displayed at the right of the bitmap or the caption when a drop-down menu is linked to the button (DropDownMenu is set).

Property MenuPosition
Declaration: MenuPosition: TRxDropDownMenuPos;

This property defines the menu position, whether it should be drop-down or on the right of the button.

Property ModalResult
Declaration: ModalResult: TModalResult;

This determines whether and how the button closes its (modal) parent form. Setting the TRxSpeedButton component’s ModalResult property is an easy way to make clicking the button close a modal form. When a button is clicked, the ModalResult property of its parent form is set to the same value as the button’s ModalResult property.

Property RepeatInterval
Declaration: RepeatInterval: Word;

Use this property to specify the interval (in milliseconds) between OnClick events generated when a TRxSpeedButton is depressed and AllowTimer property is True.

Property Transparent
Declaration: Transparent: Boolean;

Transparent specifies whether the background of the button obscures objects below the TRxSpeedButton object when the button is drawn. Default value is False.

Method ButtonClick
Declaration: procedure ButtonClick;

The ButtonClick method simulates a mouse click, as if the user had clicked the TRxSpeedButton.

Method CheckBtnMenuDropDown
Declaration: function CheckBtnMenuDropDown: Boolean;

CheckBtnMenuDropDown allows applications to programatically display a TRxSpeedButton's or TSpeedItem's drop-down menu.

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000