Rx String Holder

RX Library

Control Name Unit Class
RX String Holder StrHlder TStrHolder

TStrHolder is a TStrings wrapper component making it easier to work with the TStrings and TStringList objects at design time.

Using TStrHolder component you can set TStrings object properties and event handlers in Delphi form designer and hold a number of strings in your forms.

Property KeyString
Declaration: KeyString: string;

This is the string that is used to encode the contents of tStrHolder.

When this is empty, there is no encryption done. When this has a value, the string is used to encode the contents of the tStrHolder.

Note: The contents will then be stored in the DFM (Delphi Form) file as an encrypt data using a simple XOR-alghoritm with KeyString as the key to decode.

Duplicates : dupIgnore, dupAccept, dupError
dupIgnore = Ignore (or delete) duplicates
dupAccept = Accept duplicates
dupError = Trigger an exception.

Property Sorted : boolean
Property Sorted ensures the string list is sorted when any changes occur.

Property String : tStringList
Property String is the main container to store the strings. See also: your Borland Help, tStringList

Event OnChange
Event OnChange is triggered when there is/are any changes to the list.

Event OnChanging
Event OnChanging is trigged during (after) changes to the list.

Procedure Clear;
Clear procedure cleares the string list.

Procedure Destroy;
Destory rocedure destroys the String Holder.

StrHolderVariable := tStrHolder.Create
Constructor Create creates an instance of the tStrHolder

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Creation Date: 4 Feb 1998 | Last Update: 16 Mar 2000